Dear ##First Name##,

We’d like to ask you to be part of a unique research effort that should take only about 15 minutes of your time.

Temple’s School of Media and Communication is collaborating with about two dozen other top journalism and communication schools around the country, along with the American Press Institute, on what we believe will be the biggest survey ever of those who have studied communication and journalism. It asks people about their work experience, their views of media today, their educational experience and more.

The results will help us improve our curriculum. When data from all the schools are combined, it will provide the best picture yet of how journalism is evolving. If you participate, we will send you the results.
Take the Survey
Your answers will be completely anonymous.

Please take the time to fill it out. We ask that you complete the survey by April 29. This study is a research effort, not a fundraising activity. And again, your privacy will be entirely protected. No one will be able to connect you to your responses.

David Boardman, Dean
School of Media and Communication