Four things you should know about college affordability.
Temple University
Get accepted to college, pick a major, land that dream job—no pressure, right? Oh, and pay for it, too. We know that college is no small expense and that figuring out how to finance it can seem like a daunting process. But Temple’s committed to accessibility and affordability—always has been, always will be. So in that spirit, we present you with four tips to make earning that degree something that challenges your mind, not your wallet.
A graphic depicting a laptop computer with money signs on the screen.
Remember that FAFSA is your friend.
Actually, the F stands for Free (Application for Federal Student Aid). It’s that incredibly important application you should file in order to qualify for financial aid, which can be applied to whatever school you attend. Be sure to file by March 1.
A graphic depicting a diploma scroll.
Seek out scholarships early.
Apply for as many as you can. Look for opportunities through your hometown, high school and employers. (We’ve even heard about scholarships for duct-tape prom dresses. Really.) When you apply to Temple, you’re also automatically considered for academic scholarships.
A graphic depicting a federal building.
Think federal first.
Loans offered through the federal government tend to have lower interest rates and more benefits than private loans.
A graphic depicting a graduation cap.
Make a plan.
Graduating on time is key to limiting how much you’re paying for school. Temple’s innovative Fly in 4 program helps you do both.
Make Temple your next stop!
Temple University

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