Stop stressing! Temple is your happy place.
Two Temple students in a dorm room.
Keep calm and choose Temple.
Have you been exhibiting some stressed out behavior lately, like biting your nails or eating an entire bag of Doritos in 10 minutes? We get it. There’s a lot going on in your life right now, and you have big decisions to make about your future. As exciting as it all is, choosing a college can make you feel anxious.
What can help you relieve that stress? Deciding to enroll at Temple, that’s what. Plus, there are mad benefits to putting your deposit down early.
Temple mascot Hooter the owl with a sad face with text 'before' and a happy face with text 'after'

You’ve probably been thinking (and freaking out) about your college decision for years. As soon as you make your decision to be a Temple Owl you can finally CHILL and move on to the next thing—like how you’re going to be the best Temple student ever.


Buying stuff (i.e., twinkle lights at Target) for your dorm room doesn’t take very long. Finding the perfect roomie needs some TLC. So, after you submit your enrollment and housing deposit, you'll be added to a system within two business days called RoomSync, a special roommate-matching program powered by Facebook. Hellooo, BF4L! Our self-assign housing process opens March 4 for students who have deposited.


Living Learning Communities are super-popular at Temple. Students and faculty come together through a shared interest, like leadership and service or ROTC. Students in these specialized communities have easy access to academic resources and a supportive environment. But spaces fill up quickly. And guess what? You can apply within two business days after you put down your housing deposit.


Registration for new student orientation is right around the corner (opens April 3). The sooner you make your decision, the sooner you can sign up. That’s where you can get to know Temple better, start finding your squad and sign up for classes.


Everyone is asking you where you’re going to college. Easy way to answer that question? Swag, baby. Once you make your decision, rock a cherry T-shirt and let the world know you’re an Owl. We even want to make you famous by putting your pic on Temple’s homepage. Seriously, we do.

Say yes to Temple.
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