Women’s basketball, a Templefied March Madness bracket and Owls on top of the world.
Nutshell | A newsletter for Temple students
Temple women's basketball player
She got game
Actually, thanks to the total badassery of the women’s basketball team, we all got game. After a close win yesterday in Connecticut, the Owls are bringing the Women’s National Invitation Tournament home to Temple, giving us all one last chance to cheer our faces off for Temple basketball without leaving campus. On Thursday at 7 p.m., come to McGonigle Hall and watch the Owls show Ohio University what we got.
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Hooter the Owl and a squirrel
More madness
The men may be out of the NCAA tournament (amaaaaaaazing job, guys!), but Temple’s still in the bracket. Well, a different bracket—one that will force you to make some seriously tough decisions. (Bagel Hut vs. Richie’s? That’s like asking us to pick a favorite parent.) This bracket pits 32 iconic Temple people and places against each other—we’re talking Stella, Beury Beach, Fran Dunphy, even the Temple squirrels. Over five rounds, we’ll pick a winner who represents the quintessential spirit of Temple. First round ends tonight at midnight, so register now and start playing (the fate of the squirrels depends on YOU).
Make your picks
Illustration of the world with an owl sitting on top
890 is the number of Temple freshmen admitted based on their potential, not their test scores. 1979? That’s the year Temple alum Irvin Kershner directed The Empire Strikes Back. The Beasley School of Law’s Pennsylvania Innocence Project is currently working to free clients from a total of 415 years of wrongful incarceration. Owls are everywhere, doing amazing things—we can’t imagine the world without you.
We’ll email you every Monday morning; you can contact us whenever you want. We’d love to hear your feedback and story ideas, or anything else you think we should know.
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