Or take a break already for your weekly dose of Nutshell.
Nutshell | A newsletter for Temple students
Owl gift
Owls for everyone
Welcome back, Owls! The nest sure was quiet last week while you were eating turkey and watching football and getting up at 4 a.m. the day after Thanksgiving to do your holiday shopping. Wait, what?!? You haven’t finished your holiday shopping? No worries, Nutshell has you covered with a DIY gift idea that will work for everyone you know: an adorable, glittery owl for your mom, an adorable, glittery owl for your roommate, an adorable, glittery owl for your little brother...you get the idea. Now get to work!
Evaluation checkboard
No one, that’s who
And while you’re TCB, as they say (who? who actually says that?), here’s another thing to check off the list of business you need to take care of: filling out your eSFFs, aka course evaluations. Why bother? Because your feedback helps Temple improve courses and lets instructors know what worked and what didn’t. Plus, if you fill out all of your eSFFs for the semester, you’ll gain access to a database of info about courses and instructors that you can use when selecting classes in the future. You have until 8 a.m. on Thursday, Dec. 10, to T C of this B.
Club Tech animated gif
In da club
It’s the last full week of classes, which means there’s studying to be done, papers to be written, and hours to be wasted BuzzFeeding and looking up your ex on Facebook. All of which may require a seat at Club TECH, where at this time of year it can be pretty hard to get past the bouncer. Here we offer five strategies for actually scoring a computer, not one of which involves pulling the fire alarm and grabbing a spot when everyone evacuates.
We’ll email you every Monday morning; you can contact us whenever you want. We’d love to hear your feedback and story ideas, or anything else you think we should know.
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