Opportunities to honor King’s legacy include volunteer activities and film screenings.
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Temple Now | News and Events from Temple University
African American women civil rights leaders in front of the U.S. Capitol.
Filmmaker and Temple alumna to screen civil rights documentary in honor of Martin Luther King Jr. Day
Joan Sadoff, SSW ’71, returns to campus for an exclusive screening of her civil rights documentary, Standing on My Sisters’ Shoulders. The film explores the courageous fight of three women whose actions altered the course of U.S. history.
Temple news
A patient meeting with a clinician in an office.
Sending the right message about clinical trials
A Temple researcher finds that wary minority patients might be more likely to participate in clinical trials if they are reached with messages tailored to their concerns.
Prescription pills spilling out of a prescription bottle.
Addressing a public
health crisis
Researchers at Temple University Hospital implemented a voluntary opioid prescribing guideline—and achieved remarkable results.
Happening today
12 p.m. | Medical Education and Research Building, Room 1010
Cardiovascular Research Center and Department of Physiology seminar
12 p.m. | Medical Education and Research Building, Room 710
The Department of Microbiology and Immunology Special Seminar
On the horizon
Jan. 16
College of Engineering - Dunk ‘N’ Dine
Jan. 18
Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Film Festival
Jan. 18
Martin Luther King Jr. Day service projects
View all upcoming events
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